
Data Driven Strength

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Jul 10 • 1 min read

When Progressive Overload Doesn't Work

When Progressive Overload Doesn't Work

Welcome to the Training Takeaway Newsletter by Data Driven Strength! Josh Pelland here.

A couple weeks ago, I discussed how progression intent - aiming to add load and/or reps - is the foundation of any good program.

However, progression intent has a few considerations/downsides:

  1. It’s basically impossible to add reps and/or load weekly. (If this was possible, we’d all be squatting 1,000 lbs.)
  2. Fitness/fatigue dynamics make linear progression impractical for intermediate-advanced powerlifters.
  3. In an effort to add load and/or reps, technique may become compromised.

Therefore, I like to pair progression intent with weight resets as needed. Weight resets are proactive decreases in load to ensure desired execution.

I apply these concepts a bit differently depending on whether the exercise is strength-focused (squat, bench, deadlift, or a close variation) or hypertrophy-focused.

For strength-focused slots, training in the RPE 9-10 range all the time is not advised. Further, strength slots are all about momentum. You're not going to be your strongest in the initial week of a block, so we like to program lower RPE’s (weight resets) in week 1. Taking one step back, building momentum and allowing fitness characteristics to build, can allow you to take two steps forward and hit a PR at the end of the block.

For hypertrophy-focused slots, technique may slightly change over time — we may let our knees travel a bit further forward on RDL’s or we may lose eccentric control on pull-ups. Weight resets can allow us to drop load, ensure technique is back to where we want it, and progress from there. Weight resets should occur less for hypertrophy-focused slots as these technique shifts shouldn't be happening regularly.

We hope you enjoyed this newsletter. Feel free to respond with any questions or requests for future newsletters. We’ll see you next week!

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